august 23, 2024

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“At fifty you can no longer bear the constraints… At fifty you have no desire to prove anything. You are what you are: the things you’ve done and the things you still want to do. If others like it, fine, otherwise, it’s the same. At fifty it doesn’t matter if you had children or not. You will be the mother anyway: of your mother, of your father, of an aunt left alone, of your dog or of a stray cat that you picked up from the street. And if all this is not there, you will be your own mother. Because over the years you will be taught to take care of a body that you finally love, becoming more and more imperfect only in the eyes of others… At fifty you want freedom. Free to say no, free to stay in your pajamas all Sunday, free to feel beautiful for yourself and not for others… You are free to sing loudly in the car even if people glare at you at traffic lights. You will have dreams like when you were in your twenties and you will ask every god for time to make them come true again. And now, just when you have eaten half of your life, in the hustle and bustle, you will find the desire to slowly taste the sugar and salt of the days that await you. ~ Irene Renei

we’re not dead yet

So what if we’re crazy? The best people are!” That’s what the hood says. I have to agree. Shero spotted this lovely Cadillac specimen in the Longhorn parking lot. The sides are purple. The glow-in-the-dark skull on the antenna is a personal favorite. I’d be willing to bet they’ve done some ghost-busting in this thing. I love people like this. They’re not afraid to let their freak flags fly, or their skulls, as the case my be. Does anybody recognize the character on the license plate? 

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