september 7, 2024

posted in: photography | 0

“If you’re a poet, a misfit, a dreamer, a schemer, a rebel, a lover, a doer, a thinker, please, for the love of the universe, don’t change.” ~ Unknown

lunch dates

Crystal, MLE, and I had lunch with Marie last week thanks to her granddaughter, Skyla, who is now a freshman at UK. Marie doesn’t drive much these days, but with Skyla having only one class on Tuesdays and being the super sweet grandchild she is, we were able to enjoy some time together. And we all enjoyed Skyla being with us, too. Look at her – she fit right in, explaining to “granny” about classes, new friends, old friends, boyfriends that ain’t boyfriends, and how the Starbucks strawberry lemonade wasn’t very lemonady. I think we’re all going to enjoy this semester and get to see Marie and Skyla a lot more.

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