september 14, 2024

posted in: photography | 0

“It’s like the ‘Let them’ memes you see on social media these days. If you studied philosophy you might recognize that [Let Them] as one of the tenants of Stoicism. Let them not value you, not see you. Let them be assholes. Let them ostracize you, talk about you, try to take your shine. Let them not love you, not include you. Because you can’t control them. You can’t make someone recognize you if their eyes are closed to you. The trying to make them see you just leads to suffering. All you can do is honor your boundaries and make your own choices. Go somewhere where your voice and vision are recognized and rewarded.” ~ Deb Chenault


Thursday morning offered a beautiful sunrise thanks to remnants of Hurricane Francine, which came ashore as a Cat 2 the day before near New Orleans. The beauty is all the more stunning by the spiral bands stretching across the sky. By Friday morning, Central Kentucky was under a steady rain that continued for much of the day as the storm moved northeast. One day, I will have a view of the sky without electrical lines, and then I’ll bring out the big camera.

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