august 11, 2024

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“I want to share a thought about attitude. In August, I will be 100 years old. And yet, I have friends who are 15-20 years younger, and their attitudes are going to cause them not to survive to my age. They’re not grateful for anything. Their attitude is, ‘I don’t see my kids more than once a week’ or ‘the food I was served was cold and bad.’ …Change your attitude. Look at the positive side of life. I think THAT is what got me this far. I try my best not to sweat the small stuff and to have a positive attitude.” ~ Mildred Kirschenbaum

intimidated by a bird

Lord Basil George Heybuddy Pogo started barking his head off as if the postman was on the porch. It wasn’t the postman. It was this little starling. That dog threw a fit over a bird staring at him through a window. Look at the hair on the back of his neck standing up! Mind you, if the bird were in the house, he’d want to play with it. Wally used to be like that with possums, and when he’d actually find one in the backyard, he’d be hurt that they played dead instead of playing with him. Little dogs can sure have big personalities. There’s never a dull moment with them, that’s for sure, and this one? He marches to the beat of his own drum. 

good boy

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