august 16, 2024

posted in: photography | 0

“It’s just my opinion and I don’t want to start a fight or nothing, but DOVE Chocolate tastes better than their soap.” ~ Mark Berninghausen

out at last

It has sure been a strange week. Long story short, I had a fever with suspected COVID-19. Even though I tested negative because I had been exposed. I was told to assume I had Covid in case I tested positive later. Mom had suspected pneumonia, but thankfully, she also tested negative for COVID-19. So we isolated this week, which for me was great because I got an amazing amount of work done. Today, Shero had an appointment with her pulmonologist, and we got great news that she does not have pneumonia, the meds she’d been given Tuesday were working, and we don’t have COVID. As a reward for good healing, we went to Olive Garden. She still doesn’t feel 100%, but her appetite was good, and we enjoyed being out of the house and eating some delicious food. However, we agreed that she makes a better Arnold Palmer. I’m grateful for these impromptu lunches with Shero.

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