july 17, 2020

posted in: photography | 1

“The braver I am, the luckier I get.” ~ Glennon Doyle

Tom the Tomato (snapseed)

I tell you what, Shero has been plum giddy for a week as her gifted tomato plants from Tamara Bayer began to show signs of bearing fruit. Tonight, she picked her first ripe tomato, of the cherry variety, obviously. Look at that smile! The young man who lives on the other side of mom and dad is very kind. He has Topsy-Turvey planters, so we got mom two of her own, he helped load them with the tomato plants. These things are really the only way you can grow anything in this neighborhood. The squirrels are relentless. I tried growing a garden the first two years I lived here and all I did was feed the squirrels. I stopped trying to grow a garden. Now they eat my apples and peaches right off the trees, but mom was not going to be outdone by the greys. Topsy-Turvy is proving to be squirrel proof and loads of fun. Salad anyone?

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  1. Mom

    MMMMMM….! And that was the sweetest and juiciest little “mater”! Looking forward to many more.
    Yep! Salad anyone???

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