july 26, 2020

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“One practice that is bringing us comfort is to Jake-ify. As a way of integrating Jake Gibbs’ presence more deeply into our lives and extending it into the world, we made a list of some of his characteristics we’d like to emulate. They include:
• Enjoy life
• Don’t take things too seriously
• Don’t worry about what other people think of you
• Be generous
• Don’t complain
• Listen”
~ Anita Courtney


Phillip came to see his brother Shorty today, just two days after having a problematic spot removed from his neck. It sure made for an impressive wound. I told him he should have asked for a facelift since the surgeons were just right there. Terry men rarely complain even when they’ve got reason to, and Phillip had reason to, but like his brother Shorty, the word ‘complain’ is not in his vocabulary. So there they sit visiting. Two brothers who have been through it all; hardscrabble childhood, war, illness, lost siblings, you name it. They never complain about anything and smile all the time. Only difference is one has hair and the other one, well, not so much. I’m so grateful Phillip and his family was nearby so they could visit. It sure pepped up our Hero and Shero.

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