may 8, 2024

posted in: photography | 0

“What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

keep laughing

What a week, ya’ll. It has been great and weird. You know, medication can really do a number on your brain, especially when it’s brain medication. See what I mean? No, really, it can. I started a new migraine med last week, and ever since, I’ve said things that are opposites of what I mean, but in my head, they’re perfectly correct. I thought it was just me until my boss mentioned it today. The problem was he noticed it during the presentation I gave in front of 136 people on Monday. OMG!!! That’s not when you want to sound drugged, but leave it to me to change meds at the worst possible moment. I told you Monday was like the Twilight Zone. I wasn’t kidding. It would make a pretty good SNL skit, come to think of it because there’s nothing to do but laugh about it now. In any case, let me just say that I’m no longer taking that medication. I’ll just deal with the vertigo. I should be returning to my regularly scheduled programming shortly. 

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