september 11, 2024

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“If you don’t voice your opinions or needs, people will assume you’re happy to go along with what they want. They’ll also assume you’ll accept disrespectful behavior… When we hand so much control over to other people, their criticism can be devastating, but this is only because we vastly overestimate the importance of what they think. It seemed crazy to let their opinions dictate how I lived my life because the only person I needed to seek approval from was myself.” ~ KJ Hutchings


Another Wednesday night, another fabulous class with the Affrilachian poets, and before that, the stupendous Ann Kingsolver with this week’s guest lecturer, Dr. Carol Mason. These conversations are so, so, so, so, so, so good that they make all other classes seem torturous. I am feeling mighty lucky these days—mighty lucky and awfully grateful.

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