july 10, 2012

posted in: photography | 0

“When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” ~ African Proverb Despite weeks without rain and triple digit heat, the Rose Of Sharon surrounding the President’s house remains gorgeous. I suppose it has no enemy within. … Continued

july 9, 2012

posted in: photography | 0

“Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it.” ~ Swedish Proverb It’s important to remember that we are never alone. We can grow and change and learn and blossom anywhere, under the most extreme and unlikely … Continued

july 8, 2012

posted in: photography | 0

“Love is the absence of judgement.” ~ Dalai Lama Brunch with my Kentucky tribe was an absolute hoot, of course. Our collective nephew, Riley Morrow, is now two months old. Any excuse to celebrate with bacon and biscuits will do. … Continued

july 7, 2012

posted in: photography | 0

“Of all the things you wear, your expression is the most important.” ~ Janet Lane This is the year to meet all the people who inspire me, thanks in no small part to social media. They inspire me, make me laugh, … Continued

july 6, 2012

posted in: photography | 0

“What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.” ~Unknown It’s too bad jobs don’t allow one to take mental health days because, days like this sure clean the mental palette. I … Continued

july 5, 2012

posted in: photography | 0

“We can’t always choose the music life plays for us, but we can choose how we dance to it.” ~ Unknown Sometimes you see things in a way you didn’t see them yesterday. Hazy, monstrous brick outlines become terraced windows that rise … Continued

july 3, 2012

posted in: photography | 0

“Don’t let the influence of just one person out of billions have so much power over you.”    ~ Unknown Juxtaposed against the new Chandler Medical Center, yesterday’s artwork stands out to me like the only star in an utterly … Continued