“In the blink of an eye, everything can change. So make the most of those who mean the most. Forgive often and love with all your heart. You may never know when you may not have the chance again.” ~ TinyBuddha
The new student center is being opened a little at a time. The dining facility, Champions, has been open since January. A few weeks ago this logo appears on the outside, but it’s not the logo that captured my attention. It’s the gorgeous words written beside it by former Kentucky Poet Laureate and current UK faculty member Frank X. Walker. It’s an excerpt from a poem Walker wrote for the University’s sesquicentennial in 2015 called Seedtime in the Commonwealth. In typical Frank X Walker fashion it’s exquisite, and these words in particular, “There is no vaccination against ignorance, but there is us,” are pure poetry. They lift me up. “But there is us.” Amen to that.
“There is no vaccination against ignorance, but there is us. There is this university. And we still have heavy doors to open, unmet obligations to the land and its people. There are still leadership opportunities to advance the Commonwealth, this nation, and our world towards fulfilling its potential, towards meeting its lofty promises.”
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