july 15, 2024

posted in: photography | 0

“Why age gracefully when you can age like an old cheese… full of character and slightly offensive.” ~ Unknown


This gentleman, whose name I did not get, is not old cheese or offensive. He is one of the many talented people who play during the Berea Art Festival. And here’s the thing about that talent pool: some are well known – like The McLains – and some are just getting started, still in college even. Others, like this man, have clearly been playing for a while. I admire his gumption, and I especially admire his arsenal of instruments, most especially the tub bass. You don’t see those often. If I hadn’t been melting like the wicked witch, I would have stuck around and heard him play it. Alas, I prefer air conditioning. Still, I appreciate him and all the fine players that made it through the weekend.

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