july 18, 2016

posted in: photography | 0

“A smile is the light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.”
~ Denis Waitley


take me to church
take me to church


It was nearing the Golden Hour when I got to the church for Allen’s service Saturday evening. Despite my reason for being there, I had to stop to snap the steeple standing so beautifully against the sky. You can just make out in the shadows a small mob of people entering the scene. There must have been 15-20 in total, all walking with their heads down in their phones. They stopped in front of Henry Clay’s law office. Pokémon Go continues with or without a church, a memorial service, a Saturday night, or much of anything else as far as I can tell. It made me giggle. I don’t get the whole Pokémon craze, but it seems to bring people a great deal of joy, so more power to them. The world needs all the joy it can get.

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