july 31, 2024

posted in: photography | 1

“If you didn’t hear it with your own ears or see it with your own eyes, don’t invent it with your small mind and share it with your big mouth.” ~ Unknown

Okie BFF

Last week, I had perhaps the shortest yet most important visit to Oklahoma. BFF Angie hasn’t been well since April 5, suffering a stroke among many other things. She is working to get back to where she was, and that’s really hard work, but she is home after a three-month vacation in the hospital. She knows everyone and can speak clearly and move her hands well. She hasn’t lost her sense of humor in case you couldn’t tell. I’m so grateful that I could find a few days to go hug her neck, and hey, if you need to take insulin shots, just call me Nurse Ratchet #2. I can help. Robin Jackson, Nurse Ratchet #1, and Angie’s brother, Billy are saints for helping our cowgirl be home, stay home, and continue to recover. She’s not out of the woods, so if you’ve got a prayer to spare, there’s a whole lot of us who would appreciate you putting in a kind word with the big guy upstairs for our Queen of the Cowgirl Singers. A passel of people from coast to coast loves her almost as much as I do.

silly girls

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  1. David DeWitt

    Wonderful! Perks up the heart. I know there’s more to the story, but this was a welcome post. Love you both!

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