“If you live to be one hundred, you’ve got it made. Very few people die past that age.”
~ George Burns
We see our warrior is back in the hospital, but she is by no means out of spunk. Poor mom was admitted late last night when it was discovered she has a blood clot in her right lung. It may, or may not, be associated with the obstruction in her left lung. However, that lung has improved a great deal. We thought she was going to have a bronchoscopy this morning (with biopsy), but because of the blood clot, the doctor changed his mind at the last minute. Meanwhile, we were in a room with the sweetest woman imaginable…except she never.stopped.talking…ever! Even when the doctor came to give us news, she joined the conversation.
Dad had a buddy just down the hall admitted for a brown recluse bite. She knew a woman who died from a brown recluse bite. The doctor started mom on Coumadin. She’s also on Coumadin. Mom puts smoked pork jowl in her green beans. She puts salt pork in hers. You get the picture. It was non-stop. Even the nurses couldn’t hide their exhaustion sometimes. She was a lovely woman, truly she was, with a heart as good as gold. And despite the persistent inserting herself into our conversations, she made an otherwise rotten day a little more kind, a little more funny, a little more special. I knew mom was okay when she started making faces. She cracked me up!
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