june 9, 2020

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“By nature [the heart] contains both love and hate. It contains ill will, rejection, resentment and fear, and also love. But unless we diminish the hate and enlarge the love by doing something about it in our daily life, we have no chance of experiencing that peaceful feeling that lovingkindness generates.” ~ Ayya Khema

bff knows me (snapseed)

Michelle Shute knows and loves me and wants to see me happy. This incredible surprise from her arrived just hours after a great talk with my friend Rosie Moosnick about race, war, religion, protests, dictators, college students, and pandemics, among other things. I had a great talk with my boss, planted some flowers for my mother, shared a meal with her and dad, visited with Stacy, played with Wally. Imagine. Some days are really this simple. This good. Imagine.

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