november 11, 2017

posted in: music, photography | 2

“When in doubt, breathe out.” ~ Danny Penman


like riding a bike


Stacy took part in the exquisite Leonard Cohen Tribute this evening at Good Shepherd. She read lyrics to – oh gosh, I don’t remember now – but she read them as the musicians reassembled to sing what is unquestionably his most famous song Hallelujah. As expected, she was a pro. A total pro reading lyrics like the poetry they are. I’ve never seen anything more natural than Stacy in headphones behind a mic the way God intended. I’m so proud of her. What an excellent night of music.


once a pro, always a pro

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2 Responses

  1. Natalie Bendgen

    What a wonderful shot, Ko… tho I am hardly surprised! So glad you were able to capture Stacy in her element. Wishing I could have experienced last night in person.

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