october 1, 2020

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“Be willing to go alone sometimes. You don’t need permission to grow. Not everyone who started with you will finish with you. And that’s OK.” ~ Unknown

birthday boy

This guy right here made his 82nd trip around the sun today. We followed our hero from breakfast to dinner. In between he experienced a ride through the beautiful Bluegrass countryside on one of the most gorgeous fall days imaginable with historic marker stops, thoroughbred horses, numerous eating opportunities, and hours of entertainment with family and birthday cake. It was a great day for us all. For those who may not be aware, dad has been ill for many years. After surviving the loss of several internal organs to cancer, he got a few years down the road when we weren’t given much hope after his first heart attack. But, like the cancer, that didn’t stop him. In fact, his body grew new veins around the blockage, and performed so well that even blood thinners became unnecessary. An aspirin a day has indeed kept that doctor away. Then came the vascular dementia and we waited for the horror of Alzheimer’s to make an appearance. Thanks be to God it never happened. Instead, his decline has been gradual and surprisingly full of unending kindness and humor. We laugh every day. The multiple illnesses he experienced this past spring, however, just about did him in. But you should never underestimate the power of prayer and a wife who spends every waking hour making sure you have what you need. That’s how you make it to your next birthday. Our hero has outlived every horrible malady to come his way, and every tick on the calendar – be it day, week, or year – is made all the more miraculous and special. I never take that for granted. I never take him for granted. He’s the best man I have ever known and I’m so proud to call him dad.

hot air

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