september 3, 2017

posted in: photography | 10

“Unless you choose to do great things with it, it makes no difference how much you are rewarded, or how much power you have.” ~ Oprah Winfrey




Our Shero finally came home…to my house at least. Five weeks ago, tomorrow in fact, she broke her leg and subsequently had a full hip replacement. Dad has been living with me. Five weeks is a very long journey for our Hero and Shero, but they’ve been together as much as they could, even when they were so tired and hurt they could hardly move. They’re cute. I made a big pot of soup beans for our Shero’s first meal at home. She made the cornbread (while sitting down, of course). We had a great time cooking together, and then we three enjoyed a meal together for the first time in a long time. We had to carefully orchestrate the introduction of the dogs once our Shero was in the house. Mom’s dog, Scrappy, looked as if he’d seen a ghost. It was the strangest thing to see. I really think he thought she had died, and then she had suddenly come back to life. Once we placed him in her lap, he wouldn’t move. He has been stuck to her like glue ever since. And so, for tonight at least, all is right with the world; human and canine.


rescues are the best

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10 Responses

  1. Michelle Vance

    I love those two!!! I wasn’t able to make it down to Lexington like I wanted. I will see them soon! Continued prayers! Shirley is a tough gal!! She’s our hero too!! Love you guys. ??

    • Kopana

      That little dog adores her! And she was SO happy to see him. I think she was happier to see him than to be home. LOL

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