september 8, 2016

posted in: photography | 2

“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.” ~ Dennis P. Kimbro


back then (snapseed)
Tomorrow’s Women (snapseed)


In the August 27th post, I mentioned a picture from the Sorghum Festival with baby Meg Adkins in the front seat of the flatbed truck in which my Brownie Troop was riding. Her oldest sister, Patsy, said she’d love to see it. I don’t have a scanner here at home, so I snapped a crappy phone shot of it, then posted it to facebook. Alisa Marshall Burnett’s sister saw it. She passed it on to Alisa, and asked, “Do you still want to be a princess?”  Ah, such great memories. I will never forget Alisa wanting to be a princess. Her mom, Imogene, kept trying to reason with her to be more practical in her ambitions. Nope. Alisa insisted on being a princess, and so, she was. Kudos to Imogene for letting her be what she wanted to be! There’s enough time for reality when adulthood hits us. Cindy Spradlin wasn’t a stewardess, God rest her soul (1965-2010). Meg didn’t stay a baby, and I didn’t grow up to be a singer (be glad of that, trust me). Although, I do play guitar, and I was in a rock band. So, that might count. One thing is certain. I had a great childhood, and those girls on that float helped make it possible. I love every one of them from the bottom of my heart.

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2 Responses

  1. Shirley Terry

    Precious little girls and beautiful precious grown-up ladies. Love to all…..

  2. DW

    Great picture, and as you say, full of memories. I love looking through old photos of my own. The funny thing for me is that I have photos of myself holding a guitar, but I was a bit of a late bloomer when it came to that instrument! I’m so glad that I picked it up when I did.

    You mentioned your life as a musician; that’s actually how I originally found your site! I’m listening to Stealin’ Horses right now – great music! I also read that you played drums on a record called “Fear of the Night” by K.S. Ratliff and Black Magic. I have heard one song from this record on YouTube, but I can’t find any of the others. Do you know of any way that I could hear any other songs from that album?

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