“Some days, I can conquer the world. Other days, it takes me three hours to convince myself to shower.” ~ Unknown
There’s a big dip by one of the parking lots on campus. It was grass for a long time, then a few years ago they decided to create, or try to create, a catch basin for water. They then filled it with mulch, which naturally floated to the drain and clogged it worse than the grass could have ever done. Earlier this summer, they finally figured out the flaw in the design, laid stone in the stream path, and planted a few smart plants. This time the plants took root, and gosh, it’s nice to see on a bright late summer morning. What you can’t see in the photo are all the butterflies foraging about! It’s a brilliant silt garden. I don’t know the technical name for this, but I’m going with silt garden until I find out. They still have a problem with the mulch, though we should be grateful getting this far, I suppose. They’ll realize the drain is still clogged with mulch by 2024 I suspect. By then, these plants will be gorgeously mature with butterflies a-plenty. I look forward to it.
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