february 15, 2023

posted in: photography | 0

“You gotta try your luck at least once a day, because you could be going around lucky all day and not even know it.” ~ Jimmy Dean

who am I?

Calling all my ornithology friends. I’m thinking this is a juvenile Cooper’s Hawk. Am I right? Not long after I arose this morning, feeling tons better I might add, I saw something out of the corner of my eye in the front yard. I could tell it was no ordinary bird, but my fever makes my vision a little iffy, and I didn’t want to go out just to scare it off. Besides, it hopped back into the nearby bushes before long. No more than thirty minutes later, I heard a kerfuffle out front and saw the bird in the middle of the yard being scared by two dogs on a walk. The dogs seemed far more scared than the bird, if I’m honest. I grabbed the long lens, and out the door I went. I didn’t see the injury to its wing until I processed the photo tonight (remember, fever kopana = blurry vision kopana). Still, I could tell something was wrong because it did not take flight. I called Stacy, who directed me to KY Fish and Wildlife, who sent me to Kentucky Raptor Rescue in Louisville. They were kind, but their policy is not to travel for injured raptors unless they’ve already been caught and put in a box that’s transport ready. Let me say, my fever, swimmy head, and ringing ears were having none of that. I was told the pet transport I have for the cat would not be returned so….I really had to have a box. I’m contagious as all get out. Going out for a box is a really bad idea. I went out this evening to look for the little bird, but didn’t see it. I’m hoping it is nestled into the bushes for the night and that, in the morning, I will be better able to help. On the Covid front, I no longer feel like I’m swallowing razor blades. My fever has dropped throughout the day, so if I can keep it down without any more Tylenol, I should be able to re-enter society on Friday, asked for another five days, of course. Mom has been advised by her doctor to avoid being in a closed space with me for an additional ten days. We’re devising ways to have supper outside, weather permitting. 

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