august 28, 2024

posted in: photography | 0

“We fall, we break, we fail. But then, we rise, we heal, we overcome.” ~ Kiana Azizian

not dead yet

You know it’s sweltering when you leave class at eight o’clock in the evening, it’s still 93 degrees, and you come across a rabbit that is so hot it has scratched out a hole in the dirt to lay in and it doesn’t move when you stop to take its picture. That rabbit could have cared less about me standing there. Bless its little cottontail heart, it breathed heavily, and I felt so sorry for it. We’ve had a heat dome over the state for a few days, and that’s bad enough, but this summer, we’ve exceeded the number of 90-degree days by quite a bit. The last time I heard Bill Meck talk about it was before this week, and even then, we were inching ever closer to the top 10 hottest summers on record. According to the rabbit, we’re there.

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