january 7, 2014

posted in: photography | 0
What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” ~ Ralph Marston
happy gnome
happy gnome

Last year about this time HRB Crystal Heis found the Travelocity roaming gnome on sale. We bought him for Stacy because she loved him, and she would often use his line, “I’m on my wayyyyy,” when leaving work. Making his home on Stacy’s office desk, he sparked many a joyful conversation with passersby. By March, HRB was again struck with brilliance. We could make him a real roaming gnome and document his adventures. It would be easy enough since Stacy was, at that time, only working four days a week. So, we teamed up on Fridays to photograph Roman, as he had come to be known, around campus.

roam if you want to
roam if you want to

Today, using the photos amassed from Roman’s roaming, Crystal presented Stacy with a book of his exploits. It was a huge hit as you might imagine. I have to say, there’s just no greater joy than putting a smile on someone’s face. And with friends like Crystal Heis, with her endless ideas and giving spirit, it’s made all the sweeter. This was a grand day indeed.

hit parade
hit parade



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