may 1, 2017

posted in: photography | 2

“Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.”
~ Naeem Calloway

champion (snapseed)


I had the chance to see Letha Drury today because she came to the rescue with big boxes I was in need of securing. I don’t think I’ve ever called Letha that she couldn’t help. Plus, she brightens my day every time I see her. And look at that gorgeous hair! 

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2 Responses

  1. Shirley Terry

    My heart almost stopped while slowly scrolling down to the picture after reading the caption above it. I saw the beautiful white hair and immediately thought of your grandmother Adams and her lovely cotton soft very thick white hair. But scrolling down I saw a beautiful lady attached to that pretty hair and such a gorgeous smile she gave. In a way, she reminded me a lot of your grandmother Hannah Adams when she was younger, her non-blemished skin was so clean and clear. She said when she was younger, she used buttermilk on her skin and covered up (long sleeves & hats) while in the sun. I miss her.

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