may 7, 2024

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“At some point you just have to let go of what you thought should happen and live in what is what is happening.” ~ Heather Hepler

spotty service

Remember I said yesterday was quite the day? It started with the vampires, followed by the most bizarre experience Shero and I had ever had with a doctor. This was supposed to be a simple skin biopsy on Shero’s foot, but the team was bound and determined to knock her out for it. Seriously. For a skin biopsy. Over two hours later, we’re sitting at Waffle House eating brunch, wondering what just happened, and she’s still got the cancer on her foot. I mean, ya’ll, it was like a Twilight Zone episode. Once we got over just how weird it was, we laughed a lot. Anyway, we rush home from lunch so I can do a presentation, and the dog starts barking as soon as I open the mic, and it throws me off my game completely (okay, I was already off my game – hello, Twilight Zone), and as soon as I’m done with the presentation, it’s back to the clinic to the Urgent Treatment Center to see about this hot mess on my arm. If you think an allergic reaction to a vaccine happens immediately, stop thinking that right now. A week ago yesterday, Monday, I went to a regular check-up, and they informed me I’m to the age that I need a pneumonia vaccine. I reluctantly said yes (I’m not quite 60 yet). It hurt like the dickens and kept hurting for three days. Then a small welp came up Saturday. Then Sunday looked like this. Monday was one giant raised red blotch and that super red spot? That’s the injection site. Come to find out, a week-long delayed reaction is normal, and yours truly will not be getting any more pneumonia vaccines. I got some steroids, and the hives have all but disappeared today. I’ve also been in a great mood. I’m afraid the crash will not be pretty, but for now – ha ha!!

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