january 8, 2023

posted in: photography | 1

“‘What day is it?’ asked Pooh. ‘It’s today,’ squeaked Piglet. ‘My favorite day,’ said Pooh.” ~ A.A. Milne I forgot it was my birthday until I’d been up a while. Greg helped remind me, though, as he often reminds me … Continued

december 25, 2021

posted in: photography | 1

“My thoughts at the start of this Christmas day…if you have great joy at being in your circle of family and friends, may that joy, love, and peace stay with you throughout the next year. If your day was one … Continued

october 1, 2021

posted in: photography | 0

“It looks like an eternity, but it’s a short trip. Enjoy life and be kind.” ~ Unknown Dad turned 83 today. We had a small cookout to celebrate and invited his brothers and sisters. They couldn’t all be there at … Continued

november 26, 2020

posted in: photography | 0

โ€œWe can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures.โ€ ~ Thornton Wilder Over the last several years many of the Terry family in Central Kentucky had become accustomed to spending … Continued

november 16, 2019

posted in: photography | 0

“Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you’re doing the impossible.” ~ St Francis of Assisi The Eagles have landed! There aren’t words sufficient to describe this family. They pulled together and got the parents moved … Continued

october 13, 2018

posted in: photography | 0

“Never underestimate the power of kind words” ~ Unknown     We had our fall family gathering today at Uncle Harold and Aunt Phyllis’ farm in Morgan County (that’s Eastern Kentucky for those unfamiliar). Fall’s brisk weather finally swooped in … Continued

october 10, 2017

posted in: photography | 4

“Appreciation is the highest form of prayer, for it acknowledges the presence of good wherever you shine the light of your thankful thoughts.” ~ Alan Cohen     We assembled at a nearby church after Uncle Greg’s funeral. After I … Continued